Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Final Review: Good Luck!

• “Nattering nabobs of negativism”
• Frank Mankiewicz
• Ratfucking
• Deep Throat
• James McCord
• Sam Ervin
• Doonesbury
• The Malaise Speech
• Phyllis Schlafly
• Lee Atwater
• Jerry Fallewll
• Fairness Doctrine
• Morning in America
• Tipper Gore
• “Evil Empire Speech”
• Samuel Huntington
• New World Order
• Norman Schwartzkopf
• James Carville
• Murphy Brown
• Contract with America
• Kenneth Starr
• Operation Infinite Reach
• Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993
• Brooks Brothers Riot
• 8/6/2001 Presidential Daily Briefing
• Patriot Act
• Centcom
• 527’s
• Blue Dogs

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Introducing W. to America

The Daily Show is the best place to go for fake news. It's entertaining and humorous and usually a bit more spot on than the other network news channels. Here's the Daily Show's Bush biography video they ran during the 2000 RNC.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Indecision 2000 - George W. Bush: From Wealth to Riches
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJoke of the Day

Barack Obama's Coming Out Party

Many people believe that Barack Obama's ascension to the presidency began at the 2004 DNC where he delivered the keynote address. The keynote address is supposed to express underlying tone and summarize the core message or most important revelation of the convention. Back then Obama was just an Illinois state senator and had never delivered a speech of this magnitude. It was the first time he had even used a teleprompter. It's hard to believe that just four years later he would be accepting the Democratic presidential nominee at Invesco Field in Denver, Colorado.

The first video is a compilation of highlights and the second is the speech in its entirety.

Obama Girl

The Internet decentralize campaigning. The official campaign could no longer created all the material for that candidate; supporters could independently promote their candidate in an unprecedented way. I think the Obama Girl video is the best example of this new phenomenon.

2006 White House Correspondents Dinner

This video shows Bush and a Bush-impersonator at the White House Correspondents Dinner. I think that it reflects the post-modern sensibility because it is self-deprecating on Bush's part rather than self-aggrandizing. After Watergate, people have sought a presidency that seems less imperial and more approachable.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

SNL Skit

Taking a breather from writing my paper, Eleanor Roosevelt led a fascinating life.

Here's an entertaining SNL clip from 2004 with Seth Meyers as then-Presidential candidate John Kerry, Maya Rudolph as Teresa Heinz-Kerry, Darryl Hammond as Bill Clinton, and Ben Affleck as a (surprisingly) spot-on James Carville.