Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Final Review: Good Luck!

• “Nattering nabobs of negativism”
• Frank Mankiewicz
• Ratfucking
• Deep Throat
• James McCord
• Sam Ervin
• Doonesbury
• The Malaise Speech
• Phyllis Schlafly
• Lee Atwater
• Jerry Fallewll
• Fairness Doctrine
• Morning in America
• Tipper Gore
• “Evil Empire Speech”
• Samuel Huntington
• New World Order
• Norman Schwartzkopf
• James Carville
• Murphy Brown
• Contract with America
• Kenneth Starr
• Operation Infinite Reach
• Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993
• Brooks Brothers Riot
• 8/6/2001 Presidential Daily Briefing
• Patriot Act
• Centcom
• 527’s
• Blue Dogs

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